So, it's actually two days later than I thought, but it's a long weekend, so who can blame me?
Anyway, here it is. I'll give it to you straight up... Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is great. Yeah, I said it. It's a great movie, and a really good Indiana Jones movie. Not quite as good as the original trilogy, but it certainly fits in with the feeling of the other three. Now, my only gripes come from the fact that George Lucas obviously wanted his hands in the film a bit too much. Without ruining anything for those who haven't seen yet, all I have to say is monkeys and prairie dogs. Where I swore I read something months ago from Steven Spielberg saying how much they would use practical effects and keep away from CGI, it became apparent from the first 20 seconds of the movie that Lucas disagreed with this. Now, I admit that certain parts of the movie do require CGI effects, but others could have been cut completely (the two mentioned above are my biggest complaints). Aside from that, IJatKotCS (nice acronym, dontcha think?) was a great ride. The movie moves along smoothly and never even really hit a slow point for me. Then again, I could just be biased because of my crushes on both Harrison Ford and Shia LeBeouf, but I find that highly unlikely, because my taste in movies is so perfect that I never fail in finding the best out there.
Overall, the first time I saw Crystal Skull, it was a B+, but after going again, I move my score up to an A- because it felt even better going back to the world of Indy the second time.
Now... if only Prince Caspian had been good, this summer would have been 3 for 3 (Iron Man was great).
Cookie Booth
17 hours ago
Agreed on the CGI. The gophers actually didn't bother me too much. I thought they were cute and a good addition for kids. Some of the CGI towards the end annoyed me though. I can't describe it without giving away the plot, but I think you can figure out what I'm pointing to.
Overall, LOVED the movie. I too have a crush on Shia and Harrison. Yes, I'm on a first name basis with both.
Hate to hear Caspian was a drag. It's next on my list to go see. Hmmm.
YAY you're blogging again! :)
I'd comment on the actual topic but I haven't seen the movie yet.
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