Sunday, February 27, 2005

Another week, another no dollars

Well, Chuck just walked into my room and reminded me that I have an abstract due tomorrow in history class, so boy am I excited. Anywho, this week just flew by, and I really have nothing much to say about it. I watched I, Robot and The Forgotten yesterday, but neither were really good. The new trailers for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy came out today and holy crap I am so excited about that movie. Anywho, I've been playing some SNES all week, rocking the Final Fantasy 3 mainly (I want to save Earthbound for later in the semester). Also, I finally got Zelda back from Jeffe and I'm ready to delve back into that game. Anyways, I really have to get to work on this abstrace, so I'm putting on my Hitchhiker's Guide and getting to work!

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