Holy cow, since the last post, Dan and G have been to visit, we went to Six Flags, saw Descent, played some video games, got Dan addicted to World of Warcraft, and so on. Then, as soon as they left this week at work has been so busy, and I haven't had too much energy to think about this blog... until today. Today, I've decided that I'm going to call out Joel Osteen, right here on my blog. I am currently in the stages of working on exactly what I'm going to say, but really I'm going to need your help. When I actually get the post up (hopefully within the week) I need you guys to do your best to get this out, because it needs to get to his eyes. I want him to read it and respond to me, I want him to know how badly I think he is butchering the Gospel of Jesus.
Here is an example of why I think he needs some accountability.
The problem I have with this in particular is that the Scripture should be the focus of the message, not just something you tack on to the end. Anyway, I just thought you guys should know what was coming, so you can get the word out... Joel, I'm coming for you.
Cookie Booth
17 hours ago
Joel seems to think that he can give better advice than the Bible. If he continues to treat the Bible as something that nonChristian could not get or enjoy, people will continue to rely on the word of Joel rather than on the word of God. Joel acts like he can say it better than God and like the scripture can and should be used to support his opinion- like an off-handed footnote. Joel decieves Christians and nonChristians alike with his feel-good BS and marginal Christianity. He is a shallow motivational speaker and little more.
Does this mean I wont be getting "Your Best Life NOw" for Christmas?
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