Thursday, July 24, 2008

Gaming Thursday - Final Fantasy 4 or Why Paladins Rock My World

So, I was working on this post earlier today and had a good page and a half of notes down in my little journal, however I left that journal at work and am now going on pure memory! Anyway, today is the first Video Game Thursday, and in an effort to stay with this weeks mega release,( I've decided to talk about Final Fantasy 4. Now, just to let you know, this isn't a review in any way (I actually haven't played it in years, and although I'd like to pick up this DS iteration, I probably won't be able to for a little while). Also, these will more than likely not remain current with games as they come out, since I can't afford to buy new games each week, but I'll do my best to have it a mixture between reminiscing about past games, reviews of current games, and news about upcoming games. For an awesome, non-personal look at the Final Fantasy games, I highly recommend you check out this series of videos. I will embed their look at Final Fantasy 4 at the end for your enjoyment.

So, in all my Super Nintendo days, my RPG focus tended towards Earthbound and Final Fantasy 6, so I don't really remember playing FF4 until my college years when I got hooked on emulation. I must confess, I don't think I've ever finished playing through Final Fantasy 4, but it has left quite an impression on me in one way. You see, you begin the game as Cecil the Dark Knight. He's all cool and moody and really powerful, but conflicted about his role.

There comes a point in the game where you are guided to a temple where Cecil must confront himself in order to find the light within. After a particularly difficult battle with yourself(at least as far as I remember), you come out a changed man - transformed from a Dark Knight to.... a Paladin! As anyone who has played World of Warcraft, Diablo, D&D, or any similar sort of game with me knows, Paladins are pretty much my favorite all around class, and I think it comes back to this game. Even though Cecil isn't exactly all that powerful as a Paladin, something about playing through the first few hours of the game as a semi-bad guy, only to come to a point where you make this change into good really stuck with me. I've come to really like the idea of the holy warrior character (particularly because I like to be able to keep my health up... I'm kind of OCD about that). So, Cecil receives a cheer from me for inspiring my love of Paladins!

The game plays pretty much like a regular SNES Final Fantasy (which isn't a bad thing at all), so I don't remember much else aside from the twin magicians Polum and Palum (I think), and the fact that I'd love to get the 3d remake for DS here as soon as I can. I had other points that I had meant to hit in this post, but I completely forgot them along with my journal at work. Next week's gaming post will likely be better, if only because it will be about a game that I know a lot better than Final Fantasy 4. And since I couldn't do the game justice, here is the GameTrailers Retrospective on FF4 for your enjoyment:

Until tomorrow!


Tim said...

Nice start to this themed-blogging experiment. For my enjoyment at work, I hope you can keep it up. As far as Final Fantasy goes, I never really played them. My all-time favorite rpg is Chrono Trigger and I really hope they either port it over to DS or make it available through the Wii's Virtual Console. I would love to play through that game again.

Can't wait to read more.

Nate said...

Chrono Trigger drops on DS this Christmas season! I almost took this post to talk about it, but I decided to wait until closer to the release time (either that or for a week where I have nothing else).