Friday, July 25, 2008

Religion Friday!

This has been the hardest post for me to get started. I don't really know how I want to do these Friday posts. You see, for me, thinking and pondering God and Faith are easy. There are limitless ideas and philosophies about this God character that my mind can easily hop into that. However, when it comes to expressing these particular thoughts as words (whether through writing or verbally), I never know what to say and wind up just being frustrated and mostly saying nothing (just ask my wife).
So, when I was discussing my ideas for the five blog days, my brother suggested God for a day. I balked immediately at the subject, trying to take movies and tv and put them into two separate days or take comics and make them separate from books. Really I was just turning my fears of being able to do justice to the subject of faith into complaints, so I tried to say that I didn't want to alienate people; but, my brother made a great point. He said that if God was a large part of my life (moreso than fleeting dumb things like movies and games), and I'm not afraid to give semi-controversial statements there (Transformers sucks, btw) then why can't I just give my thoughts on something a bit more important to me. Now, I must confess, I just paraphrased a bit there, it may not be exactly what he said, but it's what I got out of it, and that's what really matters here.
What is it that makes it so hard for me to write about God (now anyway, if you look through old posts, I'm pretty sure I had no problem)? Is it because I get so upset about people trying to confine God into a catchphrases and bumper sticker theology that I'm worried that I'll wind up doing the same? Definitely. Or, is it the fact that I don't like to be wrong and want to spend my time searching for answers rather than taking time to discuss things I've already found? Well, that too.
Basically, what it comes down to is the fact that I don't know, and because I don't know, I'm hesitant to say anything for fear that I am wrong. But, you see, the thing about the subject of God is that (aside from a few key basic things I think we can all agree on), no one really knows the exact answer. Sure, we can theorize and conject our ideas about what this means or what someone was saying here in the Bible or whatever, but no one actually knows.
For that reason, I shall do my best to put my actual thoughts down here. Not just what I think people want to read, but what I truly think and believe. I mean, if I can gush about video games and movies that other people think are dumb without a second thought. I should be able to do that here.
I know that this wasn't really as much about Religion or God as it is about my own dealings therein, but then again, isn't that exactly what our Faith winds up being?


Katie B said...

Thank you for sharing. I think I'll look forward to Fridays the most.

Rachel Peters said...

Thanks for posting this. I often feel timid when it comes to talking about God or my faith. I don't worry as much about being wrong as I do about coming off as judgemental.

If you're short on topics, maybe you can talk to people about the questions they struggle with most. Then tackle those questions in your writings.