Thursday, July 03, 2008

Hancock and such

So, we (my constant summer movie group of 08) went to see Hancock last night and I've got to tell you, it was a great ride.... for about the first hour.
Not that the movie was bad at all. Will Smith did a great job portraying Hancock as this huge jackass of a superhero, Jason Bateman was also quite good as the PR rep, but the problem lies with the story. For the first hour of the movie, we focus on Hancock and his complete inability to relate to the people he's around, and that's exactly how I wanted the movie to stay. It was engaging to watch him turn from a self-centered prick of a superhero into a decent kind of guy but right when they have a chance to take this story to the next level, the writers decide to turn it into something completely different (although not in anyway unexpected). Without giving anything away (because unlike The Happening, I still think it was worth seeing), the movie turns from a really great character study into just another regular superhero movie. Not that it's a bad thing, but when you are setting up a really great premise for the first hour of the movie, only to take that away for the climax and resolution, it really seems cheap.
To sum it all up, it's a good movie that had serious potential to be great, but just got pulled back by its dumb script choices.
On the other hand, the next two weeks are going to have some (hopefully) reallly awesome comic/superhero movies with Hellboy2 dropping next Friday and The Dark Knight a week later.
And by the way, I saw both Wanted and Wall-E last weekend and both were very good, but for completely different reasons. If you really like violent, sometimes vulgar awesomeness, definitely check out Wall-E and if you need a sweet and cute family movie, Wanted is the one for you.
And on the subject of Wanted, the director is a Russian guy who has made 2 really cool movies (with the third part of the trilogy coming soon to America from what I've heard) called Night Watch and Day Watch. They are really slick vampire-type movies that I really recommend people check out.
Peace out.

1 comment:

Kassie said...

"If you really like violent, sometimes vulgar awesomeness, definitely check out Wall-E and if you need a sweet and cute family movie, Wanted is the one for you." ... lol

I completely agreed with you on Hancock. It was pretty vulgar at the beginning but as he started to clean up I really started enjoying it. The transformation from prick to nice guy was really well done as you said. Then the spent the last halfish of the movie trying to decide if I liked the twist...