Yes, you read right, we lost today against the Pi Kapps in an incredible effort in the pouring rain. I actually scored a touchdown, which is really incredible since I play line. Despite our awesome playing, we were just not good enough, and lost, but it was ok because playing in the rain was just so much fun. Let's see, nothing much else happened today aside from classes and voting. I've decided to refrain from stating my political beliefs for now because of the problems I've had trying to talk about them with others, I know people disagree with me, and I'm fine with that, I just wish that sometimes people could respect my own beliefs for what they are... mine. I come about my beliefs through my own thought, I am not easily swayed by other people and I think and pray a lot before I make decisions, so thats that.
Anywho, everyone should go see The Incredibles this weekend for two reasons. Reason 1: It looks to be an awesome movie, just as anything by Pixar is; and Reason 2: get ready for it.... THE STAR WARS EPISODE III TEASER TRAILER!!!!! Oh yes, May is coming fast for three reasons, graduation, marriage (actually thats in early june), and Star Wars. I'm so pumped for this movie I can't even express. Yeah, so I really just ran out of things to say.
Cookie Booth
17 hours ago
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