Monday, August 25, 2008

Movie Monday

The summer movie season is over. By that I mean nothing good came out this past weekend (that I could see anyway - I wanted to see Hamlet 2) and now I am in a slump for movies. The only movie that I watched in the past week was The Goonies. Luckily, it brought up an interesting point watching it.

See, movies that we love as kids, no matter how much nostalgia may be attached or how awesome it may have seemed at the time, they still kind of suck. The Goonies is actually no exception. I like the movie just fine, but having to watch two hours of kids constantly yelling at each other and saying pretty stupid things? I can get that by babysitting. The plot holds up pretty decently for being what it is and that movie is still a lot of fun at parts, but it's not what it used to be. Part of this can be blamed on the times (it's fine for Data to be nerdy and a tech wizard - he's Japanese), but part of it is just plain kids. The whole time I watched the movie, I was thinking that it was probably really fun for the kids to run around screaming and playing with each other and it's probably a bunch of fun for kids watching who can relate (I know it was for me).

That's all it's meant to be, I'm sure. Just a movie for kids to watch and identify with (well at least as much as a Millenial kid can identify with the 80's), and that's not a bad thing. Anyway, aside from movies, I've been watching two really good shows about selling drugs, each one from a completely different point of view (nice segue, huh?). Weeds is a comedy about a suburban mom who sells weed. It's funny, but we've gotten into season 3, and I think it is starting to get a bit old. On the other side of the fence we've got The Wire, which is all about a group of cops set to take down a huge drug operation in Baltimore. Since I'm only halfway through season 1, I can't say too much about how good it gets or what's in store, but I can say that so far I'm enjoying it very much.

I'll try to watch a movie or something this week so that next Movie Monday isn't so sparse. Either way, I'll see you tomorrow for.... crap, I haven't read a book in a long long while...

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