Friday, November 14, 2008

Religion Friday: Losing Focus

Even after however many months I've been doing this, these Religion Friday posts are still the absolute hardest things to write. I have begun applying for seminary next year, and I'm coming to a similar problem.

As part of the application process, the school is requiring me to write a 3-4 page faith autobiography. It's not that I have nothing to write about, I'm just having a really hard time piecing together what I want to say. Here's what they want:

  • Significant life experiences that have affected your view of self, God, and the world. Include references to family members and significant others, courses, and experiences in college, church, service-related activities, and employment.
  • Academic and other interests that motivate you to engage in theological studies.
  • Ways the MTS program at Candler School of Theology fits your interests.
  • Your plans following completion of study at Candler School of Theology.
There is just so much to say and so many different ways to explain them, that I feel lost before I've even started. Do I focus on the journey or the end point? Should I spend most of my time on college where I think I changed the most, or spend more time building the foundation to those changes?

It's similar when I try to write these posts. I know there are so many things to discuss, but I never know where to start and what I want my focus to be. I guess that's also similar to the way faith is. We know that our calling is to reflect the love of Christ, but that is such a general command that it is so difficult to put it into a full practice unless you set up a short-term goal to attain.

So, I'm currently in the process of figuring out my short-term goals for my life and faith. I know where I want to be and what I want to be doing further on, but I'm having a hard time finding a focus for the upcoming days and months.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

religion is a hard topic for me. but you and katie are a little inspiration for me... i hope thisall goes ok and you're off to school nextyear