Friday, November 07, 2008

Religion Friday

Sorry I'm late again, it's been quite a week. As such, I haven't had much time to plan this post, so it will likely wind up either rambling or short and inconsequential.

I'm not one to dwell on past events. It's not that I don't like to reminisce, but for some reason I just don't like to think about how things might have been "better" back then or think about how we did things differently. I prefer for the focus to be on the now.

In a similar sense, I think faith requires us to constantly be within the instant. When time is used up thinking about past failures or victories, current problems are neglected. For example, if I spend my time thinking about what I should have done as soon as I got out of college, I miss out on all the experiences that are going on around me. Even though I may not like what is going on, there is something to be said for pressing onward through difficult times because you always come out changed.

The main problem with me focusing on the present is that I never know what to put my energies into. I know through my past experience what I want to do, but because the future is so uncertain, I don't know what the target is right now.

Life sure would be nice if it was like Fable 2, and I could just set the quest that I wanted to complete and follow the little gold trail that extends out in front of me to my goal. Plus, I'd get to carry a huge shotgun around and bust up some beetles.

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