Friday, October 03, 2008

Religion Friday

So, I was reading about this today, and I was reminded of the story of the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. I understand that the Tower of Babel was torn down and the people scattered not because of their ingenuity but because of their pride. Either way, the story brings up a thought of mine that I've shared with others before and think it's about time to get it down on paper.... well, digital paper (also known as my blog).

See, we tend to think that the builders of the Tower in Genesis (at least as far as I understand) thought that God resided somewhere in the heavens, or the sky. This is compounded in the New Testament when Jesus ascends to the sky after the resurrection. Now, it's all conjecture but seeing as we've flown through our atmosphere and arrived into space, unless the Heaven that we all imagine is on a separate planet that consists of a lot of spirits, I think that Heaven (or the Afterlife - whatever you want to call it) is something that is pan-dimensional. Since I majored in religion and not physics or any other sciences, I'll just have to say right now that I have nothing to really back this up with, it's all just thoughts.

Think of the TV show Sliders, where people travel in between dimensions to a number of Earths that at times are the same (save for a few differences) and at times are almost otherworldly. Now imagine that the only way to travel to one of these worlds (we'll call it Heaven) is to die and have your spirit (or soul, if you will) be transported there. With current technology, even if we could perceive the dimension where this Heaven exists, would we be able to still see the beings that reside there? All I know is that I think that if you have to perceive of Heaven as a physical place, pan-dimensional is definitely the way to go.

What do you think? Is that too abstract? Is there a better explanation for the existence of the realm of Heaven? Let me know in the comments or by email.

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