Friday, October 10, 2008

Religion Friday: Miracles

So it seems another virgin birth has taken place (well actually more than one), but this time it has been taking place in sharks and not engaged teenage girls.

What is it in us that automatically discounts miracles? I mean, I have no trouble thinking that Jesus, the prophets, or the apostles did miracles, but what about in this day and time? Well, part of it is because of jackasses like Todd Bentley or Benny Hinn who seem to trample on our idea of miracles with their shows. I think the other part is that science kind of removes some of the wonder from nature and such, although I don't think it's a bad thing that we are learning about the world around us, but there are always going to be things that can't be explained scientifically.

Faith in itself is something that can't be explained scientifically, or even really logically. Although authors spend years composing books that have "irrefutable" logic to point to Christianity as the only way to live, it is actually something that always requires that one leap... faith. Honestly, I like it that way. Faith is what brings us to strive to understand our God and religion better all the time, rather than basing all on a logical answer. Logic, like science, isn't bad at all either, but I just don't think that it can be used to prove faith because faith is believing in what you cannot know for certain.

If we go back to the original subject of miracles, I think the main thing is how to define the word. A lot of what we think of as miracles come from the flashy things in the bible like the healings or the summoning of bears to rip apart annoying kids (my personal favorite), but Jesus never really seemed to make them a focus of his ministry. Most of the time it seems as though he wanted the crowds to focus on his words - sure, the healings were a wonderful (and often necessary piece of it) but in all the passages where it talks of him healing in towns, it is also sure to mention that he spent time at the temple preaching as well. So, how do we find miracles now? What qualifies? I don't have an answer, and that's frustrating to me. I spent this time writing this post trying to figure out how to find the answer to my question of miracles in today, but I never found my answer. Instead of worrying about it though, I think I'll focus on the learning aspect of faith, like I think Jesus was trying to get the people to do.

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