Wednesday, October 15, 2008

World News Wednesday: Blog Action Day 2008

Today is Blog Action Day, so I decided that I would join in this year. The discussion for the year is poverty.

First of all, as I've made no secret of my faith, I recognize that one of the foremost teachings of Christ is to take care of the poor and downtrodden. I know that even in my small town there are plenty of opportunities for me to participate and help with those who are struggling, but it so often gets pushed to the side due to my own busy-ness (read: selfishness). So often I forget that even if I think others aren't "deserving" of my time or energy, my calling is grace and love which makes everyone deserving of all that I can give.

Anyway, poverty is a really tough subject to discuss, particularly on the global scale. Finding an answer to relieve such a large problem gets so near to impossible that it becomes so easy to just ignore and forget it. The solution lies in doing everything we can on a local scale and moving that into larger and larger circles. When was the last time you donated food to a local shelter or volunteered at a soup kitchen or something similar? I know for me it's been way too long.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen! If we become so overwhelmed witht he problem we end up doing nothing. In the long run it is not about the huge things we do, but the little acts of faithfulness conveying grace in real and tangible ways.