Wednesday, October 29, 2008

World News Wednesday: King Solomon's Mines

Yay!! For all Indiana Jones wannabes, now is the perfect time to rejoice!

As may have been slightly evident by my love for dinosaurs last week, I spent a good portion of my growing up wanting to be an archaeologist. I don't need the adventure and near-death experiences that Indy constantly face, but the thought of uncovering societies and objects that have been lost to time is such an awesome thought. It's kind of like having a time machine, except without all the problems of creating a paradox or whether it is actually feasible (for some reason scientists say that time travel is unattainable - spoilsports).

The other cool thing about this particular (hopeful) find, is that it helps to shed light on stories that have been shared down through time. Since this something that is biblically relevant, people can (and I'm sure will) use it to point to the historical accuracy of the Old Testament. Although, I don't really think this is necessary since you'll either believe it happened or don't and a little archaeological find probably won't change too many minds. Either way, I find it really cool to see exactly what they had going on so long ago, and how intricate societies became even then. I know that I tend to think of the early AD and BC years as so long ago, but really in the grand scheme of time, it's barely a speck back on the old timeline.

So, what do you think would be the coolest find of archaeology? The ark of the covenant, like Indy found in Raiders? Noah's Ark? Evidence of aliens' influence on early Egyptian society? All sound good to me. What's your pick?

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