Thursday, December 18, 2008

Gaming Thursday: The Symposium

No, sadly, The Symposium (as awesome as it sounds) isn't a game but instead a group of games journalists that Shawn Elliott has brought together in order to discuss the industry and specific topics that come up consistently when games journalism is discussed. The first part has been posted on Shawn's blog here, and I have to encourage anyone who is interested in game reviews to check it out. It's extremly long but incredibly fascinating.

Now, since I'm not a professional game reviewer and only do it for fun, I can't offer much insight into the industry. On the other hand, I can say that when I began writing about games for this updated version of my blog I knew that I was going to have to decide what the end product would be. Would I offer a score for the game or avoid that? As you can tell from my previous gaming posts, I decided against that.

This was for the reason that I knew that giving a game would make me feel restricted in saying how much I liked it or disliked it without having to eat my words later on. For instance, I know I crapped on Mirror's Edge, but that doesn't take away from the fact that there were still some things I truly liked about it, and if I were to give it a grade (say a "C"), I would have the problem of always feeling that I did wrong. Instead, I just decided to talk about pieces of the games that I liked and disliked and let you (the reader) decide whether the game interests you or not.

So, for those of you that are still here reading my words, I urge you to go back and click on that link and read. I really can't wait for the next edition to come out.

1 comment:

Tim said...

Nice post. I think that you made a wise decision. It is something that I also like about the Totally Rad Show; they give honest reviews and don't really grade the games. Though they do pick a top five for the year.