Friday, January 16, 2009

Religion Friday: Frustration

Roger got me addicted to this today.

What was an exercise in incredible frustration (my high score now is 450) is now also one of my all-time favorite flash games. It's a lot like Snood and Bubble Bobble, only with the added annoyances of spinning and extra bubbles.

What does this have to do with religion though? Well for me, religion is an incredibly frustrating thing. I can never get it just right, and any time I think I'm coming close to figuring it out, it spins on its head and I wind up looking at a completely different angle from what I was aiming at with 12 new targets appearing in place.

Yeah, it's kind of a silly example, but that's how I have been looking at this thing called faith recently. Maye at some point I'll be able to wrap my head around the game (for lack of a better term) in its entirety, but until then I think I'm fine playing it and just getting really mad when things turn on me.

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