Wednesday, January 14, 2009

World News Wednesday: The Price of Virginity

Okay, the video is pretty stupid (particularly the scenery that they show during the talking), but the subject is quite interesting.

So, is this girl evil and wrong or just creative? I've known people who got upset because a guy I knew was thinking about selling his arm space to advertisers (as in tattooing), but I just thought he was doing something different. As such, isn't this girl doing the same? If she has no problem with selling her virginity, why would anyone condemn her? Yeah, it may not go with my particular set of morals, but I can't exactly press my beliefs on anyone else.

Basically, the whole point I'm trying to make is... good for you, girly. You are going to make $3 million for about 20 minutes of work, and I'm completely jealous.


Anonymous said...

OK, I admit I have not yet read the article referred to, put can you put a price on your character? even 3 million? Are there some things with value far beyond any dollar amount?

Kassie said...

Well all I have to say is if she really needed money for college she wouldn't be askin for 3.7 mil for it... and I hope she gets arrested for solicitation because that is what she is doing