Monday, March 16, 2009

Movie Monday: Run Fatboy Run

I love Simon Pegg. I'm sure that has been made evident by my drooling over Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead (multiple times), but outside of him being directed by Edgar Wright and slapped with Nick Frost at his side, I never knew how well he'd do.

Turns out quite well. Run Fat Boy Run was a pretty solid romantic comedy. There was enough funnies to keep me entertained and enough sappiness for someone who prefers that aspect. Part of this could have been that the script was written by both Pegg and Michael Ian Black (who I also find to be a funny guy), but I'm sure a large portion of my enjoyment came from my huge man-crush on Pegg.

Aside from this, I went in for my second Watchmen viewing last night and I have to say that it was even better the second round. I'm sure a lot of this came from me not wasting so much energy trying to analyze and see what was changed. I'm still one of the few people who prefers the squid ending from the book, but the movie ending works well within the confines of their plot. I also agree with the arguments that it is tons better that we got this faithful adaptation rather than some half-done piece of crap.

I'm really waiting to see the director's cut complete with Tales of the Black Freighter cut into it, so that it's a full 4 hours long (like the extended LOTR movies).

Anyway, Simon Pegg + Watchmen = good movie weekend.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

RFBR was pretty good. I agree that Pegg + Edgar Wright is usually a laugh-gasm for me. Did you ever see their old British sitcom, "Spaced"? It is available on Netflix now and I couldn't recommend it highly enough. Also, did you see Pegg in How to Lose Friends and Alienate People? Another decent role from him, but I feel he is getting a little typecast. Hopefully, Star Trek will change that and get him into more varied roles.

BTW, why the hell don't we chat? Send me a msg on gtalk=baddman@gmail