yeah, so me, Katie, Alejandro, Ryan, Derek, and Dani had been planning to go to Judgment Journey all week long, and so tonight we all headed in my car and made our way out there at 9:30, after all our stuff was done. So, we got there at 9:56 (thanks to a wrong turn by me), but they decided that that was too late (even though the signs say it was open to 10). So, after we talked to them and tried to convince our way in, they still let us go. How sad is that? They turned down our souls because we were too late? Isn't that what the whole thing is about? Saving people's sould before its too late? Yeah, I know i'm being whiny, but i have the right to be, because since we didn't get to go, the boys and i went to wal-mart and bought 2 pounds of tortilla chips and salsa, and we have eaten nearly all of it.
I know what some of you are thinking... "Hey, isn't Judgment Journey a bunch of bulls***?" To you i would respond, "Abso-freakin-lutely!" Not only is it incredibly theologically inaccurate (if any of you really believe the Left Behind books and believe them, you really really might want to relook at the theology behind it) but I also have come to despise the idea of scare tactic ministry. Not only is that theologically inaccurate as well(remember that Jesus preached a ministry of love, not of fear) but it plays with people's emotions and forces them to make decisions at a highly emotional, non logical state of mind. If you need more reasons, just ask me, i just finished a paper on scare tactics, id be more than happy to email it to you. Anyways, i need to be getting to bed, Frank is standing in the corner making me scared, so id better go.
Oh yeah, by the way, I've been rocking the Dark Tower books by Stephen King, and I highly recommend those as well, they freakin rock!
"Nazis, I hate these guys."
- Indy
Cookie Booth
16 hours ago
This is in response to your post four years ago concerning Judgment Journey... It seems you were a bit upset that you were turned away when you showed up late with your friends. There are two things one must consider immediately when becoming angry with a certain people or group that does an event like JJ; first, perhaps you should take advantage of the thousands of dollars spent on advertising to "order" tickets before you actually go, and the second, while you may think "whats one more group going to hurt?", you fail to consider that means the volunteers involved are on the trail well past midnight for the people who showed up hours ahead of time to ensure they got tickets. After considering such fundamental things, one could then move to ponder on coming the next night?! While th aim of the post is not to belittle your intelligence, we all miss the obvious now and then. As far as the theology behind JJ, while the claim is speculative in nature, I would venture to say you heard someone in a position of importance say that, and you can't really give evidence in the Word of God that would substantiate your claims of mis-guided theology. And again, not to beat a dead horse, if you are so against the crux of why JJ is performed, to save people from a real Hell that was not created for them but for Satan and his demons, then why bother making the venture in the first place. I don't mean to sound like I've thrown the second commandment that Jesus gave us(only 2 in the New Testament) that states we should love our neighbor as ourself, really, I would want someone to point out to me if I was off-base with my approach of theological things for all world to see. Its not a matter of why you were upset that you and your friends didn't get to enjoy JJ because I understand how that would disappoint you, but instead of waging an attack on a church that is sincerely trying to win people for Christ, however that may be, it would be better suited to ask oneself the question, "When is the last time I lead someone to Christ?" Putting our effort in the things which are eternal is the passion every follower of Christ should have. This is in love, really, but what passion does the world see in you?
I have to say to anonymous that as a non-christian, I find your post as ignorant and pious as I found the people at JJ the only time I attempted to visit.
I don't mind the scare tactic as much as I mind you rattling off a condenscending rant disguised as some brotherly love "in the name of Jesus" reprimand.
"Putting our effort in the things which are eternal is the passion every follower of Christ should have."
Remind me again, how does your response to Natia relate to your quote?
See you in Oct at JJ...oh wait, no I won't!
P.S. Anonymous, Followers of Christ are not supposed to be ashamed...
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