Friday, February 27, 2009

Religion Friday: Lent

Lent has begun. Normally this doesn't really mean all that much, but this year I decided that I would try to go deep and try to give up a bit and take in a bit more.
Normally my Lenten requirements are quite easy like giving up soda (which I hardly drink anyway), but I thought about it a lot this year and realized that sacrifice should require some sort of pain (kind of like Jeremy Bentham learned this week on LOST). Either way, the point of Lent shouldn't be about my pain and suffering, but more about drawing closer to God.
Yeah, I know everything I've said so far is obvious. It's just that sometimes I forget that even the hardest parts of my life are so much easier than I deserve and by complaining and never recognizing how well I have it, I'm giving in to my selfishness way too much. So for this Easter season, I'm going to try to change my focus away from myself (as hard as that is) and try to become someone better... which is the entire point of Easter.

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