Monday, February 02, 2009

Movie Monday: The Wire

I know I wrote a little bit on The Wire some weeks ago when I had finished Season 1 or so, but I never realized how dumb I was for trying to write about it at that point. I had been told by a number of sources that the show kept getting better and better, but for some reason I didn't quite believe them. I thought that the premise would get stretched anywhere beyond two seasons.

Well, I was wrong. Every season is pure gold. Each one analyzes a different piece of drug trade in the city of Baltimore and how it winds up affecting all citizens. Season 4 was my favorite and it went into the kids and schools of Baltimore and how a group of boys from the west side are affected by their proximity to the trade throughout their lives.

Without getting into too many specifics, it's really hard to discuss a show that goes into such depth with so many characters. I think that is what I loved so much about watching it though. No character was left off to the side to be a throwaway joke or wisdom-giver, instead they are all fully realized (and fully flawed). Because of that, I was so emotionally invested in the series that when Katie and I watched the final episode last night, I felt so tired. It was over, but I really didn't want it to end. I wanted to know what happened next. Everything was wrapped up well, but over the past few months, I've been so taken by the show, I really don't know what to do next with Netflix.

Really, I cannot recommend this show enough. I know it's a serious investment in time (and cash, if you don't use Netflix or something), but it was completely worth it. Watch it... then if you can tell me I'm wrong, we can discuss.


Ryan said...

The Wire is BAD ASS. It's everything I want from an HBO show. Great writing, fascinating context and characters, and it takes it's time to tell the story. Season 2 is the only one I don't love fully... but 1, 3, 4, and 4 are solid gold. If you like David Simon's writing, I urge you to look into Generation Kill for the future of your Netflix account!

Ryan said...

*4 and 5 =)