Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Bookish Tuesday

Since I haven't finised American Gospel yet, this week I've decided to talk about Y: The Last Man by Brian K. Vaughn (who has also written some episodes of LOST). Luckily, since I haven't finished reading the entire series (I've only been through about volume 5), I can't really spoil much for you.

The plot is that Yorick and his little monkey buddy Ampersand are the only males left in the entire world. The comic starts off with men all over the world dropping dead from some unknown agent. The series then begins to go through Yorick's travels across the U.S. as he heads west in order to find transportation to his girlfriend/fiancee in Australia. Of course, none of this is simple - particularly because Yorick isn't very good at hiding his identity from the women he runs into and that (obviously) causes problems. Little twists and hints of what happened to kill off all the men are throughout the story, but nothing has been given an answer in what I've read so far. The story is complete and all the issues have been collected into trades, so the answer is out there, I'm just not there yet.

It's a simple premise for the plot, but the writing is really engaging, and the last time I was able to read some issues, I could barely stop myself. It's definitely a recommended read if you ever get the chance (or if you are just bored at a bookstore that happens to have it).

1 comment:

Tim said...

I've been wanting to check this one out for a long time. Got some good recommendations from the Totally Rad Show too.