Thursday, September 25, 2008

Gaming Thursday

So, here is a game I've wanted to talk about for a few weeks now, but have been sidetracked by other things. Castle Crashers is a $15 downloadable game for the Xbox Live Arcade that feels like an old school beat-em-up like Final Fight or (better) King of Dragons.

The graphics in CC are super pretty and colorful, which goes perfectly to counter the brutal violence of lighting people on fire and chopping their heads off. However, none of it is really all that gory or gruesome, since the tone of the game is so cartoony and silly nothing really gets all that out of hand violence-wise.

There really isn't much of a plot to follow, just that the four princesses got captured and you need to rescue them along with a magic crystal. Basically, the game is pure referential humor to the games of the wonderful 16-bit era and all of the cliches of the action/fantasy genre. Mix in with this some great scatological humor and its a really fun experience, particularly playing with someone else.

On that subject, there is one massive problem with the game. The online function is effectively broken at the moment. I've tried to do about 15 matches with friends or otherwise, and each time we have been unceremoniously dumped from each other within 5 minutes of playing. It's highly irritating, but the guys behind the game swear they are working hard on a patch to get it all working again soon.

Anyway, it was completely worth the money I dropped on it, especially since I've already played it through twice, and am working on playing through insane mode with Matt now. In other news, I finished Shadow of the Colossus this week and started Kingdom Hearts 2, so those should be showing up here soon (Colossus in much more detail). Also, while we are on gaming news, check out another blog that I've been working on with a friend Kent all about gaming. Kent even talked about Castle Crashers on Monday (at a much greater length than I). Anyway, keep an eye on that blog for some really awesome stuff coming from us - we've got some really cool ideas ahead.


Kent said...

Wow, That other blog SURE sounds amazing!

I will make sure I read it as devotedly as this one. ;)

Rachel Peters said...

I second your enthusiasm for this game. It's really fun and has simple controls. I love the new games but sometimes there's just too many button combinations to remember! This game smacks of the old school super mario days - but with vector graphics. :D