Monday, September 15, 2008

Movie Monday

I'm not sure if I've mentioned it before, but I used to be a huge fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000. Now that it has been over with for quite some time, it seems a little odd for me to be bringing this up now.

Really though, I was just using it to move into Rifftrax. Rifftrax was created by Michael J. Nelson (you may know as the 2nd host of MST3k, or the writer of Death Rats!: A Novel) and often features Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett (Crow and Tom Servo) as fellow commentators. Rifftrax works just like watching a commentary track to a movie, but instead of insight into the filmmaking process, you get a bunch a few guys making fun of it (sadly though, no silhouettes).

So far, I have watched Harry Potter (the first 'un), Raiders, Phantom Menace, and this week I watched Attack of the Clones. Like with MST3K, the jokes can be hit and miss at times, but since they are just recording on an audio track and there aren't the same licensing issues the movies are more familiar, making it more enjoyable than a lot of the MST3K movies I've watched. The only problem I have with Rifftrax lies in geting the movies. I'd really like to watch their take on The Matrix, but I don't really want to buy it or take up a spot on my Netflix queue (I know, I'm whiny), so I'm stuck with just picking movies I already own. Not that it's a bad thing, but it does hinder me from watching more.

I know that this post sounded like a big ad for Rifftrax, but I'd really like the guys to keep making them, so I gotta get the word out when I can.

P.S. You may have noticed, but I've been trying to do better with putting up links to the things I talk about for your convenience.


Tim said...

Enjoyed the links. I remember you guys talking about Rifftrax on The Afterburners but haven't had a chance to watch one yet. Maybe one day.

Christine said...

I loved MST3K (I like that abbreviation too) and had no idea about Rifftrax. I'll have to check it out.

I'm a big fan of the links - very convenient and quite professional. :)

Kent said...

Awesome. I love MST3K. I will definitely have to check out Rifftrax.

Episode 1 here I come.

Rachel Peters said...

What a cool idea. I miss MST3K. But it always made it harder for me to take other movies seriously. :) Now if we could just get this kind of thing for watching the news...