Thursday, September 18, 2008

Gaming Thursday

Rock Band 2 came out this past Sunday. Do I really need to say that much more?

Honestly, there really isn't more to say that I didn't say last time I talked about Rock Band, outside of the fact that I know have another 80+ songs to play and my band can play online with friends when no one else at home wants to play with me. It's quite wonderful. Basically, the only thing that will make you decide whether or not you want to play Rock Band 2 is the track listing. Sure, no one is going to love every song on the disc, but since most downloadable tracks are 2 bucks a pop, $60 for a disc with 80 songs (plus another 20 that will be downloadable for free in a couple weeks) it's definitely a great deal.

Outside of Rock Band 2, the Motorcycle free download update for Burnout: Paradise came out today which means more fun for an already awesome game. I've also been playing a ton of Castle Crashers, but that will be next week's game.

Okay, I've wasted enough time writing. I'm going back to some more rockin'.

1 comment:

Kent said...

Went to a RockBand 2 party tonight. It was awesome. Definitely enjoyed it.

There are some great songs on there.